RIP Nelson Mandela

As the world morns the passing of Nelson Mandela there will be many comments, blogs, articles written commemorating a life dedicated to bringing freedom and equality to South Africa. Just the fact that he spent 27 years in prison for his beliefs is more than I can fathom. I don’t know if I would have the fortitude to  do that. That sacrifice makes me wonder if I even have something that I believe that deeply in that I would give up 27 years of freedom.

In the words of former president Jimmy Carter, who worked closely with Mandela to promote human rights, “His passion for freedom and justice created new hope for generations of oppressed people worldwide, and because of him, South Africa is today one of the world’s leading democracies.”


Nelson Mandala left this world on Dec 5, 2013. Rest In Peace. Your battle is done.

It is time for a new generation to step up.