Alaska Wrap Up

I thought I’d finish my series on Alaska with a few stats for you to mull over. It’s no wonder they call Alaska “The Great Land”.

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Alaska is home to 17 of the 20 tallest mountains in the US. The top ten starting with Mt McKinley are:

  1. Mount McKinley    20,320 ft.       Alaska Range
  2. Mount Logan           19,541 ft.        Saint Elias Range
  3. Mount ST. Elias      18,008 ft.      Saint Elias Range
  4. Mount Foraker        17,400 ft.      Alaska Range
  5. Mount Lucania        17,257 ft.       Saint Elias Range
  6. King Peak                  16,972 ft.      Saint Elias Range
  7. Mount Bona              16,550 ft.     Saint Elias Range
  8. Mount Steel               16,470 ft.     Saint Elias Range
  9. Mount Blackburn     16,390 ft.     Wrangell Mountains
  10. Mount Sanford          16,237 ft.     Wrangell Mountains

Alaska has an area of 571,951 miles and is the largest state in the U.S, more than twice the size of Texas, its closest rival.


With a population  only 686,293 this translates to an average of 1.2 people per square mile.  the rest od the US has an average of 76 people per square mile.

Alaska has over 70 potentially  active volcanos!


The Alaskan coast line is 6,600 miles long. Include the islands and it balloons to 34,000 miles! There are 3000 rivers and more than 3 MILLION lakes!

Over 50% of the world’s Glaciers call Alaska home.

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30% od Alaska lies within the Arctic Circle.

There’s so many more fun facts, like the Alaska Bachelor’s Club but if I tell you everything what will that leave you to discover on your own trip?


Newark International Airport at 5am. Almost home.

Homeward bound

Back at the hotel we retrieved our carry-on’s and made ourselves comfortable in the lobby of the Hotel Captain Cook.

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It’s a very nice hotel all polished and shiny with lots of shops to explore.

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Eventually we moved outside to sit in the sun while we watched them load our luggage onto the bus for our trip to the airport.

One stop in Seattle, very briefly, and then the red-eye to Newark. From Newark a short hop to Albany, NY. Lots of time to review the trip in my mind.

A few quick facts I ran across during our Alaskan Adventure.

The Alaska Flag: The Big Dipper & the North Star on a field of blue.

alaska flag

State Motto: North to the Future

State Fish: ( Bet you can’t guess) King Salmon


State Flower: Forget-Me-Not

forget me not

State Tree: Sitka Spruce


State Mineral: ( Another obvious choice) Gold


State Gem: Jade


Sport: Not hunting, not fishing…it’s Dog Mushing

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State Bird: Willow Ptarmigan


Native People: Eskimo, Aleut, Athabascan Indians, Haida Indians, Tlingit Indians, Tsimshian Indians

On the Summer Solstice (June 21) Anchorage gets 22 hours of functional daylight.

The largest Salmon caught in Alaska weighed 97 lbs.

The largest halibut weighed 459 lbs.

The average snowfall  in Anchorage is 69 inches. 42 miles away , on Mt Alyeska, the average snowfall is 650 inches.

The Northern Lights are most often seen between September and March unless you are above the Artic Circle.


Time for Another Trivia Quiz

We haven’t done a travel trivia quiz for a while so for a change of pace I thought it might be fun to try one again. Let’s see how you do.

1. If you wanted to order a frozen hot chocolate in the place where it was invented, where would you go?

A) Chicago B) Los Angeles C) New York City D) Miami

2. If you wanted to see the longest river in the United States, which river would you head to?

 A) The Colorado B) the Mississippi C) The Missouri D) The Ohio

3. If you wanted to see the smallest state in the nation, where would you go?

A) Hawaii B) Delaware C) New York D) Rhode Island

4. If you want to visit Yellowstone National Park, which state do you go to?

 A) Arizona B) Iowa C) Wyoming D) Utah

5. Which four presidents are immortalized on Mount Rushmore?

 A) Washington, Lincoln, Adams, Roosevelt B) Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Jefferson C) Washington, Grant, Roosevelt, Jefferson D) Lincoln, Grant, Roosevelt, Madison

6. What is the fastest roller coaster in the United States?

 A) Space Mountain, Disneyland, Caifornia B) Superman The Escape, Six Flags Magic Mountain, California C) Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey D) Top Thrill Dragster, Cedar Point, Ohio

7. In 2005, GQ Magazine listed the best hamburgers in America. Where can you get the best hamburger in the country?

A) Le Tub, Hollywood, Florida B) Peter Luger Steak House, Brooklyn, NY C) Louis’ Lunch, New Haven, CT D)Rouge, Philadelphia, PA

8. What California town was named after the movie studio?

A) MGM  B) Universal  C) Paramount D) Columbia

9. In what city will you find Coit Tower?

A) Chicago  B) San Francisco C) Los Angeles D) New York

10. If you wanted to stay in the most expensive hotel in America, where would you stay?

The Mansion at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas  D) Inn at Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina

11. If you wanted to see Carlsbad Caverns National Park, where would you go?

A) Arizona  B) California   C) New Mexico   D) Nevada

12. If you want to see the capital city of Florida, which city should you visit?

A) Miami   B) Daytona   C) Tallahassee  D) Kissimmee


1. If you wanted to order a frozen hot chocolate in the place where it was invented, where would you go?
Correct Answer: New York City
2. If you wanted to see the longest river in the United States, which river would you head to?
Correct Answer: The Mississippi River
3. If you wanted to see the smallest state in the nation, where would you go?
Correct Answer: Rhode Island
4. If you want to visit Yellowstone National Park, which state do you go to?
Correct Answer: Wyoming
5. Which four presidents are immortalized on Mount Rushmore?
Correct Answer: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Jefferson
6. What is the fastest roller coaster in the United States?
Correct Answer: Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey
7. In 2005, GQ Magazine listed the best hamburgers in America. Where can you get the best hamburger in the country?
Correct Answer: Le Tub, Hollywood, Florida
8. What California town was named after the movie studio?
Correct Answer: Paramount
9. In what city will you find Coit Tower?
Correct Answer: San Francisco
10. If you wanted to stay in the most expensive hotel in America, where would you stay?
Correct Answer: The Mansion at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas
11. If you wanted to see Carlsbad Caverns National Park, where would you go?
Correct Answer: New Mexico
 12. If you want to see the capital city of Florida, which city should you visit?
 Correct Answer: Tallahassee
 How’d you do?

A Little bit of Trivia

A friend of mine is a college professor who works with foreign students in an ESL program. ( English as a second language). I happened to run across a quiz on Travel in the USA that is geared to the ESL student. I figured as I travel around the USA and was born here that  I’d Ace the test. Ha! I won’t tell you my score but I will say it wasn’t 100.

Let me know how you do on it.:)

1) At this tourist attraction in Washington D. C. you can find Lincoln’s Bedroom, the Green room and the Red Room.

  • A) The White House
  • B) The Smithsonian Institute
  • c) The Museum of US History

2) Which of the following is NOT a borough of New York City?

  • a) Manhatten
  • B) Queens
  • C) Long Island

3) Which state legalized gambling in 1931

  • a) California
  • b) New Jersey
  • c) Nevada

4) What is the smallest US state?

  • a) Hawaii
  • b) Rhode Island
  • C) Washington D.C.

5) At this famous monument located in South Dakota, you can see the faces of four US presidents.

  • a) Mount Rushmore
  • b) Yellowstone
  • c) Mount McKinley

6) Carmel is a romantic, beach resort in __________?

  • a) Florida
  • b) Hawaii
  • c) California

7) What is the capital of California?

  • a) Los Angeles
  • b) Sacramento
  • c) San Francisco

8) Jazz Music comes from this city.

  • a) New Orleans
  • b) Atlanta
  • C) New York City

9) This is the longest river in the US.

  • a) The Colorado
  • b) The Missouri
  • c) The Mississippi

10) What State is the Grand Canyon in?

  • a) Colorado
  • b) Arizona
  • c) Nevada

Ok now. Have you got your answers?

The correct answers are:











How’d you do?