Home Again

Wow ..I’m finally home. I left Fort Lauderdale at 12:45 this morning and finally made it home at 10:55 pm! 2 happy cats greeted me. Smokey hasn’t stopped purring since I came in the door and Rocky is just beside himself..not even interested in eating…just right in my face LOL. I guess they missed me.

And what a pleasure to have fast internet again! I’m already planning the stories and pictures I’ll be able to share now. But it’s late and I still need to unpack but watch for those posts to start sometime tomorrow.

Back to the real world (Almost)

Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days. The ship had an internet cafe but it was very pricey and the connection slow so I held off trying to get online…boy was that hard! But I’ve still been writing some posts and hope to start getting them uploaded soon. Thanks for hanging in there with me. 🙂 I’m using Free WiFi at my hotel right now…yeah!