Have You ever wanted to go to Venice?

Venice, Italy is called one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But with all the unrest around the world, terrorism, plane crashes not to mention cost to go jetting about, how many will actually get out a pass port to take on an international adventure. I’m told I’m a chicken because I want to stay within the confines of the good old USA. But if I do that How will I ever get to see Venice?

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Why by going to the Venetian Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas. This wasn’t even on our to-do list. The concierge at the Linq told us it was not to be missed. She really gave it high marks so after our morning at the Mirage we headed back out to the strip to wander down to the Venetian.

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I think I had to pick my mouth up off the floor when we entered the shops. The ceiling was a breathtaking mural! My head was back so far I almost fell over!

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Strolling  past the shops on the promenade we passed one of the human statues. The actor was very good. I got a good laugh when Joe jumped when he moved.

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Once again the ceiling was painted as a sky and each shop had a facade making it appear we were actually strolling through Venice. They even had a canal. And just as if we were in Venice we had to take a gondola ride. We shared our gondola with a nice couple here on “holiday’. He was from Wales and she was from London.

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The gondolier even serenaded us as we returned to the launch site at the end of our ride.

Our Gondolier and another couple that shared our ride.

Our Gondolier and another couple that shared our ride.

I enjoyed our little trip to Venice so much I had to bring a Gondolier home with me to serenade me when ever I miss Venice.

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