Where Oh Where Has the Warm Weather Gone

It’s freezing everywhere! Even Florida is reporting record cold. Watch the price of orange juice soar now!

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I thought maybe it was time for a little daydreaming. Warm sand, balmy breezes, glorious sunshine…believe me, I’d be headed south right now if I could – but I guess that wouldn’t save me since it’s cold there too. Anyway the next best thing is thinking about the warm and  remembering.

There was Arizona. It was warm when I went horseback riding in Sedona.

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Florida. It was warm when I visited with the Mouse at Disney

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and when I rode the airboat at Holiday Park and hob-nobbed with the alligators in Shark Valley (Everglades).

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And of course, Hawaii. It was nice there too. The first trip the native Hawaiians told us how hot and humid it was but to us northerners it was beautiful.


And the 2nd trip to Oahu was just as nice, snorkeling in Hanauma Bay, exploring the Polynesian villages, and getting blown around in the trade winds.

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We nearly melted away climbing Makapu’u  Point! But boy what a view!


I’m starting to warm up just thinking about these trips.