The Winter Brrrr

This past weekend we finally got a heavy snowfall. So far the winter hasn’t been too extreme. The weatherman keeps referring to 40 degrees as “seasonal”. Hmm I seem to remember it being much colder than than but I suppose they have the records. Anyway, this weekend we got a storm that ranged through southeastern MA. The mountains and NH only saw about 2 inches compared to our 1 1/2 – 2 ft.


I am born and raised in the north. I grew up in the Adirondacks but as much as I have fond memories of snowball fights, sledding and snow shoeing I just can’t seem to get excited about it now.


I saw my younger brother a few weeks ago and he was talking about getting out cross country skiing. Made me feel cold just listening to him. Still maybe I can force myself out to do some snow shoeing. Its only cold until you get started then you work up some internal heat as you tromp along.

Still if given the choice of of a brisk winter day or spending the afternoon snorkeling among the tropical fish, I’ll take the fish any day!


What am I doing living here!


That pretty much sums it up.