Pilgrim Memorial State Park

Pilgrim Memorial State Park

The Pilgrims, Plymouth Rock, the Mayflower…things we have heard about since we were children. That’s why Pilgrim Memorial State Park is one of the most visited Parks  in the state.  I am sure this little park makes a huge impression on young people when parents bring them along for a bit of “educational”  vacation. 

Located at 79 Water St, Plymouth, MA, the park is right on the waterfront making a visually stunning scene. From the Pilgrim cabins to the Mayflower replica (Mayflower II) this 17 acre park is the smallest state park.  It may be small but it’s mighty. Over 1 million visitors flock to this lovely park that is steeped in history. 

Plymouth Rock

This is a rock that might as well have had legs. It’s been moved and transported from location to location over the years. During the course of it’s many moves it was broken in half.  Finally to preserve the historic stone it was placed on the waterfront where it is located today. A granite portico was built to protect it from the weather and souvenir hunters who liked to chip off pieces of the stone. The current portico was built in 1921 replacing an earlier gothic revival style monument.  Whether you visit during the day or at night, this is a beautiful monument

The Mayflower II

Board the Mayflower II docked at the State Pier in Plymouth. It looks sturdy quietly moored in the placid harbor but think about the size of the cruise ships that ply the oceans today and then imagine spending not weeks, but months (66 days) on an ocean voyage in this tiny vessel.  The holds are dark and cramped. No air conditioning here. It makes me think of an old saying I heard once “Protect me Oh Lord for the Ocean is so big and my ship is so small”.  If you are there at the right time of the year the crew is in full 1600’s attire and prepared to tell you of life aboard ship on that fateful voyage. 

If You Go

Enjoy a Self Guided walking tour of the Park and it’s monuments

The walk is only about 1/4 mile and takes about 30 minutes

There are 9 stop on the tour including the Mayflower II and Plymouth Rock

Cabby Shack

Oh I’ve been busy, busy, busy. Monday and Tuesday of the past two weeks have been just beautiful. Low 80’s, sunny and minimal humidity. Perfect days for getting out and about.

I’ve been trying to cram a lot in those 2 days because that’s pretty much the only chance I have to get stories to tell you here. I’m still trying to figure out how my vacation time and money is going to work out with this new job so nothing to report on that front. I’d like to go to Yellowstone next year but I don’t know if that is going to work or not. In the mean time I’ll keep taking “Mini” vacations on Monday and Tuesdays.

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The cabby Shack is located in Plymouth, MA right on the waterfront. It’s a typical waterfront restaurant with typical waterfront fare, fried scallops, fish and chips, clam boats, a smaller  broiled section and a few burgers.

The food is good and you can sit inside or outside. I stopped there for dinner the other night. Believe me when I tell you that you won’t get any bargain here. I had the fried scallops and a light beer and the bill was $29.00! (Before tip) It’s one of those places where certain dishes are marked “Market price”.

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It was good and for an occasional treat, certainly worth it. But back to the reason I chose this restaurant. It made me think of Key West. I know that’s a stretch but the first time I went to Key West we had dinner in a restaurant that had 2 levels. We sat in the upstairs level. The building was surrounded by palm trees.

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Well, as you can see in the pictures, this little restaurant in Plymouth also has 2 levels and is surrounded by palm trees. If I have to pay a little extra for the ambiance of the Key West Connection, then so be it.

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Now we just need a little Jimmy Buffet to make it perfect.