Scenic Vermont

Scenic Vermont

As we pulled out of the Robb Family Farm we called On Star for directions to the 2nd Sugar House on the list. With the big snow flakes coming down it was easy to see why Vermont has a reputation for being scenic. The rural ambiance was only enhanced by the wintry weather.

Creamery Covered Bridge

On the way in we’d passed a red, covered bridge. Now Joe suggested we pull over for a photo op.

Named the Creamery Covered Bridge it is the only covered bridge left in Brattleboro, Vermont. It is well maintained and it seems the town is serious about keeping it that way. A large boulder has been placed in front of it to prevent cars from driving over it. You can walk but you can’t drive.

Of course the bridge is an iconic shot but the stream that runs under the bridge is interesting too. I took some time to take a few photos of that as well as the bridge.

I heard that this is a popular spot for wedding photos during the summer. I can see why.

What Happened to Spring?

Massachusetts is in the Northern Hemisphere and that means that meteorological spring started on March 1. Anyone who lives north of the Mason-Dixon Line knows that you still get snow storms in March in Massachusetts, Heck, you get them in May! But we just had a week of record breaking heat. I’m not ready to go back to winter.

I really don’t like winter. I don’t know how I ever found playing in the snow fun, even as a kid. Does getting frozen and wet really sound like fun? Growing up in the Adirondack mountains we used to get some major snow storms. Often there’d be a thaw and then another freeze and we’d get an ice crust thick enough to walk on…until you broke through. I came home many times not only cold but bleeding from being cut and scraped on the ice crust. No I really don’t like winter.

So the warm weather has fled and the snow came in during the wee hours of the morning. I thought it would stop after an inch or two but it snowed all day.

It wasn’t until around 5 pm that the snow came to a stop and the sun came out. Just in time to set but it made the snow covered trees look golden in the afternoon light.

By the time I got home after work I was feeling a bit kinder toward the snow. It was really pretty.

I guess I have to get used to it. We are headed into a record cold weekend and another storm by Tuesday. I guess winter isn’t ready to give up quite yet.

Complaining Again

I feel like I’m stuck in an existential novel or something…just waiting, waiting, waiting …in this case for spring or warm weather or sun.

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Sorry I’m just frustrated. Here we are in March. Spring is less than 3 weeks away and it’s still cold. I mean really cold. March is never “balmy” but we should have left the 20 degree weather behind by now, especially when there’s the wind chill factor involved. There’s more sun but we’re still getting a lot of overcast days too.

You run out to the store dressed like Nanook of the North, hats, scarves, mittens heavy coat and question your sanity but when you get there you see you are not alone. Everyone else is bundled up too.


What’s really getting to me is that I’m burning out my creativity. I started the  365 day project  to kind of give my photos a boost but I’m not much of an indoor photographer. I like to be outside for pictures and all of the cold days have kept me trapped inside. I’m running out of inspiration. I don’t know if I would have tackled the project if I’d realized I was going to be either stuck inside or freezing outside.


Spring can’t be much farther away, can it?


It’s been a Long Winter

I don’t mean to complain but Thursday’s  post was the view after the storm last weekend but then we got another one on Tuesday and another one (minor) on Wednesday. It’s been like that all winter. Pictures of snow storms are all starting to look alike.

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Yes I know there are places that get a lot more snow and much colder temperatures than Massachusetts but people that live there expect to be snow bound for 6 months of the year. A good big blizzard or “nor’easter is fun… now and then. But I’m getting weary. I’m tired of searching for a spot of color in a monochromatic world.

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Even the blue skies after a storm have a kind of diluted color. Usually the snow sparkles and the sky gets such a deep blue it hurts your eyes, but not this year. This year the white is without the sparkle and the sky is a light blue, if it’s blue at all. We’ve had a lot of just plain gray days. It feels like the world is in black and white.

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It’s depressing, at least to me. I wonder if this is how  it feels to live in the “North Country” where there’s 6 months of darkness.  I couldn’t do that.

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People say this is New England…It snows…. but not like this. Skiers and snowboarders  are having a great time. I’m glad for you! But not for me, oh no, not for me. 🙁

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I see postings on Facebook telling people to stop complaining or if they don’t like it to move.  I’m at the point I wish I could move to someplace with sun and warm weather. A tropical island come to mind. But my job is here and my condo is here (and upside down in value) so I don’t think a move is in the cards.

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Guess I’ll just have to buck up. We should be on the downside and heading toward spring. March is only 2 weeks away. Maybe there is an end in sight?

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Doo Doo Doo Looking Out My Back Door

Remember this one? Creedence Clearwater Revival? The lyrics go

Just got home from Illinois, lock the front door, oh boy!
Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch.
Imagination sets in, pretty soon I’m singing,

Doo, doo, doo, Looking out my back door….

Well here’s the view from my back door (actually my front door) after the weekend blizzard.

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Lately my life is just a song! 🙂