Happy Saturday

It’s Saturday!

Yes I know Saturday is a post day but I didn’t do one this week. I had planned to wrap up the Natural Wonders series but I got distracted. I’m not sure on what. I don’t feel like I accomplished anything this week. but there it is. Saturday morning and nothing to say!  Not that it’s an excuse but I did spend over 2 hours yesterday at the dentist. I had a cleaning first then tons of impressions for my 2 implants. I left the office with a very sore mouth and $1000 poorer.  The good thing is that we are in the home stretch. I should get the finished product in my next visit. 

Mix of zirconia dental implants technical picture | Picture … | Flickr

The Storm

All week the weather folks have been going nuts about the BIG storm. 

Snow storm is coming. - Lolcats - lol | cat memes | funny cats | funny cat  pictures with words on them | funny pictures | lol cat memes | lol cats

Maybe the north and west got it but doesn’t look like much here so far. When I got up it looked like we might have gotten an inch of snow and some ice. The temps have risen now and it’s rain and all the ice seems to have melted.  It looks like its going to be one of those gray, dull days with lots of rain. I think I’ll snuggle in with a book and be lazy all day.

Banner & Balboa

Photo Credit- Deb Neumann

Both cats seem to agree with me. Usually after they have breakfast they run and chase like crazy until I finish with my emails and morning ritual on the computer. Today they are both just draped over the furniture. 

Balboa- Photo credit Deb Neumann

They are waiting for their morning treats. Maybe once I give them those they will get the morning crazies. Then again, maybe they see it as a lazy day too. 

Nothing to see here

When the boys roll up at area 51 : r/southpark


So sorry I have nothing exciting to report this week. I’m happy we are into March. That means that spring is approaching. Maybe there will be some day trips once we get some sunshine. Something to look forward to. Catch ya all later!


Anatomy of a Nor’easter

Ask any weather forecaster, there is a major storm on the way. 18-24 inches of snow, high winds with gusts up to 70 miles per hour and torrential rains once the storm switches gears.

Wide spread power outages are predicted.

6:30 am my alarm goes off. Is it snowing yet? Should I work from home or risk going into the office. I peek out the window. Nothing right now but there is a slight dusting. Must have snowed and stopped. I turn on the TV. Dire warnings. School closings. Stay off the roads!

8:30 am. The snow started up again. I’ve decided to work from home, not because it so bad now but because I’m afraid I won’t be able to get back home at the end of the day. It’s non-stop coverage of the storm… each prediction more dire than the last. Its like there is no other news in the world today. Even my bank has closed all of the branches!

9:30 am The  very fine snow has really increased. No fat, fluffy flakes here. The wind has picked up significantly. The forecasters are saying that the rain/snow line has changed so southeastern New England may get more rain than snow. Its raining on Cape Cod now. The blizzard warning from Boston south has been dropped.

10:30 am. Not much change. Still snowing. First plows just went by to clear the roads

11:30 am The snow is really starting to accumulate and the wind is howling now.

1:45 pm Looks like the change over to rain/sleet has begun.

3:30 I think the worst is over. The wind has let up and it’s just rain now. Coming down hard but still just rain.

No where near the 18-24 inches predicted. Just another day in New England.

New Year the Chinese Way

It’s the Chinese New Year but unlike Western New Year the Chinese New Year lasts much longer.  Chinese New Year celebrations traditionally run from Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the Chinese calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, making the festival the longest in the Chinese calendar.  Boston’s Chinatown is holding it’s festivities on Sunday Feb 9, that is if it doesn’t get snowed out.

firewords copy

It seems every time I go to write about something we get another storm. We just finished our 2nd snow storm of the week and if we get the storm on Sunday it will be a trifecta. I know, I live in New England and it snows in New England. Suck it up cupcake! But seriously, I’m getting worn out from this winter that has hit us with one storm after another. Granted they haven’t been blockbusters, but at the rate things are going the next big storm could be right around the corner.

storm aftermath 008

Back to The Chinese New Year. This year is the Year of the Horse. I thought that was really cool. I like horses but the Year of the Horse doesn’t really have much to do with  horses at all.


The Horse is one of 12 symbols in the Chinese Zodiac. The Year of the Horse starts from Jan. 31, 2014 (the Lunar New Year / Spring Festival of China ) and lasts to Feb. 18, 2015


So what can you expect from the Year of the Horse? This is the description provided on the astrology page about the Year of the Horse: The spirit of the horse is recognized to be the Chinese people’s ethos – making unremitting efforts to improve themselves. It is energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent and able. Ancient people liked to designate an able person as ‘Qianli Ma’, a horse that covers a thousand li a day (one li equals 500 meters).

People born in the year of the horse have ingenious communicating techniques and in their community they always want to be in the limelight. They are clever, kind to others, and like to join in a venture career. Although they sometimes talk too much, they are cheerful, perceptive, talented, earthy but stubborn. They like entertainment and large crowds. They are popular among friends, active at work and refuse to be reconciled to failure, although their endeavor cannot last indefinitely. 

They cannot bear too much constraint. However their interest may be only superficial and lacking real substance. They are usually impatient and hot blooded about everything other than their daily work. They are independent and rarely listen to advice. Failure may result in pessimism. They usually have strong endurance but with bad temper. Flamboyant by nature, they are wasteful since they are not good with matters of finance due to a lack of budgetary efficiency. Some of those who are born in the horse like to move in glamorous circles while pursuing high profile careers.  They tend to interfere in many things and frequently fail to finish projects of their own. 

Interesting. But I’m only a Rabbit


lost in the Year of the Horse. 🙂