Hello World

Editor in Chief

Like any move, I am getting used to my new “digs”.  I’m looking forward to getting this off to a good start. No I didn’t move my home, just the blog address. We’re moving from blogspot to wordpress.  We won’t finish the move and make it final until the South Dakota series is complete. This is just a test post. My “staff” has to get used to the new format.

 We’ve temporaily misplaced the prairie dog. In the first try he got “squashed”. Pretty funny if I do say so. Then we created a little “side” picture but it hasn’t shown up yet so we’re using one of wordpress’ stock headers for now. Like I said, the “staff” has to get used to the new  format. We’ve got our blog roll and flickr  link up and you can subscribe now which is better than that follower link. I think this is going to be a better fit once we all get used to it.

By the way, you can find a link to each blog in the blog roll list to make it easier to go back and forth between the two locations.

Posted in Uncategorized.