On the road to Rapid City

We headed out of Hot Springs using a combination of maps and signs. Pretty much we headed north and looked for signs that said Rapid City

I honestly don’t know what road we were on but it wasn’t bad driving. As we drove along we kept watching for animals along with the road signs. Sandy was navigating and the sun was getting low in the sky as the road began to climb.

Then we got the final surprise of the day. We came around a corner and right in front of us was Mount Rushmore. The setting sun was right behind the carving so the sight was breathtaking. We and many others, pulled over and hopped out of the car to try to get a picture that might capture the grandeur in front of us. I was using my DSLR and wasn’t getting the effect I wanted. I doubt any of the other tourists with their point and shoots were faring much better. I have it filed under the one that got away in my mind.

First Sight of Mount Rushmore


Mount Rushmore

Eventually we continued on and found other views including one that was of George Washington exclusively. There was a pull off here and a sign board about the “Profile in Granite”. We took our time and got some pictures here and then it was really time to find our way back to Rapid City and the Foothills Inn.

Profile in Granite


We needed to wrap up our day because tomorrow we were riding the 1880 train and once again, had to be up bright and early.

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