Wall Drug Store, SD

I Almost Forgot!

In yesterday’s post I said I would tell you about the Wild Horse Sanctuary but I would be remise not to finish my narrative about our activities after the train ride. So before we go on to the wild horses, I’ll finish up June 10th.

Back in Hill City we picked up the car and headed back to Rapid City. As usual we got twisted around but isn’t that what exploring a new place is all about? We didn’t have any deadlines so it was ok to get lost or as Sandy liked to say, “we’re not lost, we’re sight-seeing”. That’s fast becoming our mantra!

The weather continued to threaten but we made good time and soon were “home” but now it was time to figure out where we were going for dinner. We decided to explore Wall Drug Store. So it was back on RT 90 and pretty soon we were pulling into the town of Wall, SD.

Now I don’t want to upset any of the residents of Wall, but it looks like Wall Drug Store is Wall, SD! J That’s ok. It seems to work.

All the driving and early mornings were starting to take their toll on me so I snapped a picture of the sign to prove we were there and locked the camera in the car. Big Mistake!

If you go to Wall Drug Store be sure to take your camera. The place is amazing. There are full sized statues of miners and western characters, a T Rex Dino, a cafeteria, and tons of gift shops. The photo ops abound!

We had dinner in the cafeteria, very reasonable and quite good, and as for me, I picked up most of my souvenirs. Sandy got some shopping in too and then it really was time to head back so we could get good night’s sleep so we’d be ready for another early morning.

And that early morning is so we can get to the Wild Horse Sanctuary in Hot Springs by 10am for our semi-private tour.


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