Native American Journey’s Tours

In looking for the best way to get the best value for our $$$ and squeeze in as much as possible, I ran across a web site

Their tours are not inexpensive but they sound like they offer a unique perspective.

One of the tours they offer that fascinates me in the “Bottom of the Grand Canyon” . The price listed on the web site is $179.00 per person and although it gives a description of the tour, is doesn’t say how you will get to the bottom or more important, how you get back out! I would love to see the Canyon from the bottom but I can tell you right now, this old body could not make the climb up…Not sure about the climb down but definitely not back up! I think I will have to call for more information on this one.

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Grand Canyon National Park

  Travel to the Canyon’s rim – a must see! Photo opportunities abound. Views of the Little Colorado Gorge and Painted Desert. Enjoy lunch on the Canyon’s rim. Visit the Grand Canyon Imax. Journey to the Navajo Reservation and the Historic Cameron Trading Post. Learn about the people who occupy the majestic Grand Canyon.


A tour called Sedona Spirit would take us to Montezuma Castle. The price on this one is more to my liking ($79.00 per person) but I had thought going to these locations would be a good way to fill in the morning before we took the Verde Canyon Rail Road so we may not want to do this as a tour.. Here’s the tour description anyway. We can always change our minds on the order of the things we are doing:

Sedona Spirit

Travel with your native guide to local ruins, including the famous Montezuma’s Castle cliff dwellings and Montezuma’s Well natural springs. As you journey through the Historic Verde Valley, you’ll learn about the area’s history and it’s inhabitants. You’ll also receive a blessing from your Native American guide at the healing springs of Montezuma’s Well.

 I have one last tour to consider but the pros and cons are a little more involved so I think I will discuss that with you in a separate post.

As always, if you’ve been on one of the tours or have any suggestions or insights, please add a comment. All are appreciated!


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