Lexington and Concord

The weather forecast is for rain all day. Not the best weather for exploring the Minuteman National Park but I really don’t have a choice.

This coming Monday is Patriot’s Day in Massachusetts, well-known for the day on which the Boston Marathon is run. To be honest, that seems to get far more press than the original reason for the state holiday. In fact I bet if I did a “Man in the Street ” interview most people would say that the holiday celebrates the running of the  Boston Marathon. Even worse, I was listening to the news last night and the newspeople kept referring to Monday as “Marathon Monday”…No mention of Patriots’s Day. I bet there’s even be some who would think Patriot’s Day has something to do with the New England Patriot’s Football team…Sad, very sad.

You and I know, of course, that the holiday really commemorates the start of the Revolutionary War, Paul Revere’s Ride, and the Battle of Lexington and Concord at the North Bridge or the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World”.

Well, I am seriously planning to get my “butt” and the rest of my body out of bed on Patriots Day and drive out to see the reenactments. They try to make it so authentic that they even hold it at 5:30am! Even so, I am told that thousands turn out to see this and that the roads are closed into Concord and parking is at a premium.

 Since I will have to be up so early just to get there, I don’t want to be wandering around wondering where to park and even worse, where to set up my camera to record the action. With my luck, it would be all over before I found it! So today I am going to take a drive down to the visitor center and ask a lot of questions. I will take my rain poncho and reconnoiter the area with  my camera. I will give you a full report in my next post.

Since I haven’t been there yet I don’t have any pictures but I can’t have a “naked” post so here’s a picture I just like. 🙂

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