After the Battle

On Battle Green in Lexington after the smoke had dispersed many of the re-enactors remained to mingle with the crowd. They willingly posed for pictures.

There was a Redcoat showing off his sword,

 A judge or preacher…not sure which…

And of course the militia

But I think my favorite picture was one I set up. I called it the old defenders and the new. There were some Rangers there in their uniforms and I asked them if they would stand with a couple of the Patriot’s for a picture. Both groups liked the idea and began to line up. I had to back up because of the lens I was using. As I was framing the picture I heard a man’s voice behind me. He yelled” Hey, here’s a great picture” and pushed me right out of the way. I didn’t get the whole picture I set up and I was not happy about that but almost immediately I was behind a wall of photographers taking the picture that was MY idea! I’m willing to bet that picture will be in some of the local newspapers by tomorrow!. Another lesson learned..Change you lens before you start setting up your pictures!

Anyway, here is what I was able to get before I was muscled out of the way! There were more Rangers and Militia but if I had backed up to get them in I wouldn’t have gotten any shot.

That about wraps up my visit to the Lexington Battle Green on Patriot’s Day and it wasn’t even 8am yet! I was ready to find breakfast!

There were many more events planned for the day plus a movie but I think Rocky told you that I am not a morning person. I left the house without bringing my list of events. As a result I didn’t know where anything was or what time an event would be held. I was so focused on the Battle on the Green that everything else just passed  right out of consciousness until the reenactment was over.   With all that it seemed prudent to skip the rest and head home. Now that I have an idea what to expect I will be able to plan it better for next year.

It was definitely worth the lack of sleep!

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