Roadside Oddities~Raynham Milk Bottle


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Wednesday would have been a rather routine day except that I got together with a friend that I haven’t seen in a long time. It seems like time just flys by and before you know it, a month has passed, then two and then another and before you know it a year and so on. It doesn’t mean that you like the person less or that you don’t want to spend time with them. You still value that friendship, it’s just that time gets away from you.

I’m lucky because most of the people I consider friends have the same hectic lifestyle as me. In a way it makes the times we  do get to gether to “catch up” all that more precious.

I am on Facebook almost everyday. Part of the reason is to see how my many far-flung friends and relatives are doing. I love to see their comments and stories posted there, a quick snapshot of their lives to help me stay  up to date. Face Book reminds me of birthdays..I’m terrible remembering birthdays…and other special events.

But I’m getting off track. I wanted to say what a nice time I had with my friend Colleen today. Colleen is one of my friends that I don’t see often because we’re both so busy, Colleen with her business and me with life demands in general.  We met for breakfast at the Milk Bottle in Raynham. I’d seen it often enough and even stopped by once or twice but it was always closed. Turns out its only open for breakfast and lunch.

I was interested in it because there is a similar Milk Bottle in Boston at the Children’s Museum. That’s always  been closed when I was there too. I guess I don’t have much luck in that department. Colleen said that was precisely what caught her attention too, it’s similarity to the Milk Bottle in Boston.

Anyway we met there for a “catch up ” breakfast. A lot has happened to both of us since we’d seen each other. We had a nice booth and no one rushed us. We could linger and chat until we had to leave for other appointments. The food was good and quite reasonable. But take note…It is a CASH ONLY business. No debit or credit cards.

There’s a wonderful little court-yard with tables outside. It was cold and raw today but in the summer I can see this as a great place for lunch or a dish of ice cream.

I was curious about the milk bottle architecture so when I got home I did an internet search. I thought I would find something like ” first developed in the 50’s” or something like that but no such luck. I found a lot of pictures of milk bottle buildings but no information on how or when they came into vogue. The various Milk Bottle Buildings I found were almost all  snack or ice cream shops.  Just about all of them had gone through a period of abandonment and been close to demolition before someone purchased them and restored them.

The Boston Milk Bottle at the Children’s Museum was actually brought to its current location by ferry from its original location near the 3 Mile River in Taunton, Ma. That Milk Bottle was acquired by the H.P. Hood Co. who then renovated it and donated it to the Boston Museum. It was shipped in an operation known as the “Great Bottle Sail”.

As a well-known TV character from the 60’s would say “fascinating.”

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