A message from the Editor -In-Chief

Editor in Chief

Good Morning everyone.
I wanted to explain the temporary change in the photos displayed in Dusty’s Posts. For some reason we have not been able to place the pictures in the proper locations in the text. They keep moving themselves back to the top of the page. Technical support has been notified but in the interim we are forced to stick with the slideshow.
 I know that for most of you that this will not prove to be a problem but some of our readers do not follow the blog on-line but instead prefer to wait for the quarterly print-outs. That’s where we encounter the real problem. The blog books do not show the pictures if they are in “slideshow” format.  We at Aroundustyroads want to give our followers the best visual experience possible whether you are an online follower or a print reader so I want to assure you that we are working diligently to resolved the problem.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and we hope you will continue to follow Dusty’s travels.
Thank you
Editor-in- Chief
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