Cog Railway Photo Contest image

Ok …I have one shot at this. All it says is “Email a photo of your family having fun at The Mount Washington Cog Railway with your caption, name , address, phone # and permission to use the photo.

Then they have the past winners. Not all of them have people in them so I’m not going to worry about  that as a “Family” of one. The “Family ” was behind the camera and not in the picture.

Now the next question is…Do I go with a distance shot showing the Cog Railroad and the wonderful scenery or do I use a close up. And…which engine..a smoke filled  Steam engine shot or an ecologically friendly biodiesel?

I’m posting some options here. Love to know which one/ones you like best. Any suggestions for the caption? I’ll collect you ideas for 1 week and then the winner will be submitted to the contest. 🙂









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