Smokey Update

Editor in Chief

Editor-in-Chief  Rocky here with  an update on Smokey. We got the blood tests back and there were some elevated enzyme levels. Basically Smokey is showing signs of possible kidney issues. He is not in renal failure but there is cause for concern. More tests are underway but the Vet is hopeful that the progression can be delayed with a change of diet. That means a “prescription” diet, no more off the shelf cat food.

If the condition is confirmed then there is no cure. It is just the natural progression of old age in male cats and all we can hope to do is delay the inevitable. At this point we don’t know if he has one year or 10 years but at least we have identified the problem early.


As the results of the additional tests come in (probably next week) we will update you here. Even though Smokey doesn’t hold any “position” like Rocky does, he is still an important part of the Dusty Roads Family and we will continue to share developments.

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