Fall is in the Air

Yes Labor Day has come and gone and with it we reached the traditional end of summer. It seems strange that it could be so hot and sunny one day and the next have a nip in the air but that’s New England for you.

The nights have been very chilly even though the days are warmer, not hot. These are beautiful days. Warm enough not to need a jacket so you can still travel “light”. One of the things I hate about winter is the way you have to bundle up to keep warm.Those extra layers make me feel like a stuffed sausage..barely able to move. Hopefully we still have a month or so left before we have to break out those winter clothes.

There’s a beautiful moon right now. I think they call it the Harvest Moon. Like I said, the nights are cool but that makes for good sleeping weather, no need for air conditioning when an open window lets the fresh air in.

Driving into work I noticed that the air temperature is cool enough in  the morning to create the fog layer on the river.

 I love those wispy mists and the effect they have on the landscape.

Those billowing clouds mark the location of the brooks, rivers, ponds and lakes of the area giving away their hiding places in the valleys and glens.

Spring and fall are the only seasons we get that effect.

We’re not quite into leaf peeping season but the signs are there. Some of the trees are getting a hint of color foreshadowing things to come.

 Squirrels and chipmunks are busy gathering in the last seeds of summer getting ready for the sparseness of the winter months.

As I stood admiring that full moon tonight I mentally checked off items from my summer bucket list. There’s more on it than crossed off but there’s still time to try to get a few more things in. I didn’t get to Salem. Remember I was going to take the Harbor taxi. I don’t know if it’s running now but I can still drive up there and October is a big month for Salem. Maybe I should really try to fit a day trip in.

Apple picking season is upon us too along with the Fair Season…Marshfield Fair & Topsfield Fair come to mind and I know there are others. One of the biggest is the Big E in Springfield Ma. That runs from Sept. 16- Oct 2. It’s a bit of a hike but it might be worth a day trip.

I have this feeling that I should take a day trip to Narragansett RI. I don’t know why. I just have it in my head. I’m not even sure how far it is from here or how to get there but RI is just a few minutes away from Taunton and RI is tiny. So how long a drive could it be? I bet it’s an easier day trip than the Connecticut River trip I took last March!

All in all I think there will be plenty of things to do and places to see before I head off on my next vacation in January. You can be sure I will share them all right here! 🙂

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