The BIG E…not this year

Yes it was on my calendar. It was in the books. It was a plan…but I blew it.

The day dawned overcast and the remnant of a rainstorm was puddled on the deck.

The first problem was that I over slept. The wee early hours of the last 2 days had done me in. Still I figured if I got underway by 9 am I could still be out to Springfield by 11:00 am which is opening time and the Big E didn’t close until 10 pm. Plenty of time to explore.

maxine on waking up in the mornings

I could buy my ticket online but if I stood in line I could get a senior discount, $12.00 instead of $15.00 but I have to remember that parking isn’t free. If I can get into their lot it will be $10.00/ day but if their lot is full I will be at the mercy of the “IO”. (independent operators) .

I was still feeling tired after my “wake up” shower so I ran out for breakfast and a stop at the store. Then I filled the gas tank. Even at $3.17/ gal. it took $32.00 to fill ‘er up. I was a bit surprised about that because I still had almost 1/2 tank according to my gas gauge.

Then I started thinking about the best way to get there. I was going to detour to Bass Pro Shops in Foxboro to see how their Cranberry Bog was doing but now that I had a late start that didn’t seem to be a good use of time.

Anyway, by the time I got through “discussing” this with myself I realized that I just didn’t want to go. I wanted to go to The Big E. I just didn’t want to go today. It was muggy and oppressive and overcast. Just a dreary kind of day.

The BIG E is a huge fair. It’s real name is Eastern States Exposition. It covers 175 acres and represents the New England States. The fair was founded in 1916 when it was primarily agricultural based. That is still the main function but there are also entertainers, horse shows and I imagine a midway. I was hoping to get some great photos to add to my portfolio.

But as I stood there pumping gas I realized that I was still very tired. If I drive all that way out there  I want to enjoy  myself and right then I really only wanted to go back to bed. 🙂 So you know what? That’s what  I did, call me a lazy bum but life is too short.  Sometimes you just need to slow down and kick back a little. The Big E will be there next year. I’ve never been so I guess you could say I’ve missed the last 60 years so what’s one more ?

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