Roaming around Bridgewater

The Town of Bridgewater is a little town in southeastern Massachusetts not that far from my home in Taunton, Ma.  As a neighboring town I’m aware of it and that it’s a college town home to Bridgewater State College. I’ve been told that they have a good photography program and have considered  classes there but not got myself motivated yet.

I bring up the Town of Bridgewater because as I was out and about the other day I ventured into a section of Bridgewater that was all new to me.  My exposure to the town has been the main routes like Rt 24, and Rt 18.

This time after I passed through the center I took South Street out-of-town. It wasn’t long before my surroundings became not suburban but rural. There were farms and cornfields. It was beautiful.

And where there are farms there are …Farm Stands. One that stands out is Peterson’s Farm Fresh Produce.

I stopped in because the display outside was so pretty. It was obvious that someone had taken a lot of time in its presentation.  Another reason to stop was that it was open. I was there around 5 in the afternoon and they are open until 7 pm. That gives anyone time to stop for fresh veggies for dinner on the way home.

And fresh they were. The tomatoes, one of my great weaknesses, looked outstanding. They are a cash (or check) only stand so you want to be sure to bring the folding stuff with you. No debit or credit here.

The folks that run the stand were some of the friendliest people I’ve met. We had a nice long chat even though I wasn’t buying this time (no cash on me). For mascots they had both a cat and a dog, both as friendly as their owners. It was a great stop in my travels. If you’re traveling through Bridgewater it would be worth while to take a side trip down South Street and stop at The Peterson Farm Stand. I know I’ll be going back but with my wallet next time! 🙂

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