Are you Hungry, Milady?

Back to King Richard’s Faire after our little diversion to Bridgewater.

 In actuality the Faire would not have let me take a little side jaunt like that. Unlike a lot of other attractions there is no readmission. You can’t get your hand stamped, leave and come back. I suspect they do that so you can’t leave to find lunch someplace else. As many times as I have been to King Richard’s I have never found much to eat that I enjoy or that’s actually good for you. Now the fudge, fried dough and ice cream are all great but not exactly what you’d like to have for lunch. I’ve tried the “shepherds pie” and the turkey legs in years past. Neither were to my taste. The sausages on a bun aren’t my cup of tea either. I didn’t try the fish and chips but looking at other’s plates, they didn’t look too appealing. Don’t I sound awful fussy.

I finally settled on a slice of pizza and a bottle of water. It didn’t taste too bad but it was expensive. The way it works is that first you stand in line at a kiosk to buy meal tickets.

They are sold in batches of $5.00. Each ticket is worth  50 cents so you get 10 tickets for your $5.00. Then you stand in line at the food vendor’s window to order your food. I swear it’s a psychological ploy but anyway, my slice of Pizza was 14 tickets. That’s $7.00! The bottle of water was 6 tickets which is another $3.00. But since you aren’t using money it’s easy not to think about how much you’re spending. You have this pocketful of tickets and just hand them over.  That’s really my only complaint. I’d prefer to be able to leave for lunch, go someplace to eat what I want to eat and then return…or better still, let you bring in a picnic lunch. But that would be undermining the food vendors.

Next to the food vendors is an area with picnic tables surrounded by rides for the kids and a stage for entertainment. Along with the “kiddie” rides there are midway kinds of shows and games. Instead of throwing ring over a bottle you throw an ax or a knife. That sort of thing.

 There are hay bales for the kids to jump on and many roaming entertainers. Never a dull moment.

Around the lunch hour a parade comes through and winds its way around the vendors and picnic area.

King Richard and his knights are in it and the “Big Puppets” plus any Faire Visitor with a costume can join in.

Wow I didn’t realize I had rambled on so long about food! I had fully intended to get to the Jousting but here I am all out of space.

I guess it will have to wait for tomorrow when I fill you in on the Jack the Whipper too!

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