OOPS~ We’re Sorry

Editor in Chief

Good Morning,

 It’s me Rocky, your Editor-In-Chief

I guess I was taking a cat nap and didn’t notice that Dusty was getting really backed up. I should have told you we might miss a post here or there. Our star reporter has been working a lot of OT again which has cut into the time she has to file reports for us.

Plus she’s trying to put the  2012 pet calendar to rest but there has been a flurry of activity from folks who want to have their pets included.

We heard the “S” word in the weather cast last night  so I got locked in the bedroom while Dusty brought in all the plants. (I try to escape out the open door so have to be confined). I don’t think we’ll get much snow, if any, but it was time to bring them in because even without snow, a frost has to be in the near future. It’s almost November!

Anyway, now all the plants need to be trimmed and pruned and fed and whatever she does so until that’s done the plants are all over the living room.  Fun for Smokey and me  as we play in the jungle but it drives Dusty crazy to have the mess.

I’m not making excuses for her lapse in posting but I do  want everyone to know that she is fine and I’m sure we’ll get back to a regular schedule very soon.

I know she has several topics on the drawing board plus a winner to one of the photo contests has been announced and she wants to share that. Scout is working on a follow-up on the “Bumping issues” with airlines and  some comments on the recent fare hikes. He’s researching a question on car rentals for another reader and is almost done with another article on jet lag…so you can see we have a lot coming up.

One last thing..have any of you been to Japan? We’ll tell you why we’re asking in another post. 🙂

Until then Happy Traveling.

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