Itchy Feet

No it’s not athletes foot. I’ve been around home too much. I’m getting restless and need to go exploring. Luckily it won’t be long before I’m making the Christmas Decoration rounds. I hear Edaville is going to be open again for its Festival of Lights. That’s great news. I was very sad that the owners had planned to close after last season.

Of course LaSalette is a must visit again this year but I’d also like to make the trek north of Boston to go to the Stone Zoo in Stoneham. I’ve heard that they do a wonderful job at Christmas.

Oh and I never got to Boston last year to photograph the lights in the Boston Public Gardens so I will have to make an effort to correct that omission this year.

In the meantime I need to think “Thanksgiving”. I might go back to Plimouth Plantation again or there’s Old Sturbridge Village. I haven’t been there in years.

Last year there was a walking tour in Plymouth based on the Native American’s point of view. I missed it last year. Maybe I should see if that is being done again this year and put that on my “to do” list.  It’s not like I have anything else to do. (Ha Ha)

It seems like Thanksgiving is becoming a “forgotten” holiday. I touched on that in my post Christmas Decorations Already? I mean, seriously, do we see many Thanksgiving decorations? not really, a few here and there but compared to the Halloween close outs and the incoming Christmas crush they are  squeezed into half a row at best!

And what do we do for Thanksgiving besides having an excuse to enjoy one of the best meals of the year? Maybe a football game, probably the local team in the morning and then the “Big Bowl Games” on TV in the afternoon. what else? Oh I know, a favorite of mine, I put Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade on the TV while I get the Turkey ready for the oven. I think last year there was Macy’s on one channel and Disney’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on another. But unlike Christmas I don’t see a lot of events to attend and things to do.

Every place goes all out with Holiday Light Displays (I’m being PC ) and the NutCracker Ballet is a big event. Many locations that had Halloween now break out the hay rides and sleighs (when there’s snow). But I googled for Thanksgiving Themed things to do and struck out. I guess eating too much and warming the couch are the traditional things to do on Thanksgiving Day in the Modern Era.


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