To Walk or to Ride?

I was here! I made it. I trudged on down the dirt driveway for a closer look at the unique Lighthouse. I love that it’s made of brick and not the usual white tower. This lighthouse almost fell into the ocean due to the erosion and crumbling cliffs where it sits.

The bluffs are called Mohegan Bluffs but they were pretty fog shrouded too.

The guide-book says the lighthouse is located an easy 30 minute walk from the ferry terminal. OK I get it. I am out of shape and it took me at least twice that long. But look at what I got to see and enjoy along the way!

Now I have to decide if I’m going to walk back or call a cab. I’m thinking a cab will be quicker but I’m in no rush and it will be all down hill going back.

Maybe I’ll see the Pheasant again and have a 2nd chance at a picture. That decides it. I’m walking back.

Going downhill it did only take about 30 minutes.

I dropped my gear off at Ashley house and went in search of dinner. As I came out of the alley I almost ran into a woman on a horse! It was a beautiful animal but I wasn’t expecting a horse right in town unless there was a parade. Just goes to show how much of a city slicker I’ve become. Of course the camera was in my room.

Right around the corner on Water St (the main street actually) was Mohegan Cafe. As I was looking at the menu posted on the door a young lady waiting by her bicycle commented that she had just eaten there and that it was very good. That’s good enough for me. I’ve had enough walking for one day.

I was given a choice of a booth or a window. I usually like booths best but how could I pass up a window looking out over the ocean?

I allowed myself the brief indulgence of a glass of wine while I looked over the menu. Prices were typical resort prices with most entrees in the $18-$22 range. They had grilled tuna and salmon and even pork chops on the menu. I went with one of the more modest entrees, chicken masala which came in at $16.95, one of the less expensive options.  When it came I was amazed! It was a huge dish. The chicken and mushrooms were served over a large bed of pasta. The masala sauce was quite thick and much milder than I am used to but still not bad. The best part of the meal was the bread. It came out warm with a side of herb & garlic butter that was out of this world!  I skipped the pasta so I could indulge in that bread. Glorious!

I was surprised to see it was only 9:30. I had a full tummy, I’d certainly had my excercise and I was ready for bed. The waitress assured me that the guidebook was wrong. She said the walk to the lighthouse is more than 30 minutes and close to 3 miles. Maybe they were referring to joggers? 🙂

I wrapped up my evening with a shower and left over brownie. I didn’t even bother to check out the TV. I fell alseep while trying to plan my next day.

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