Summer Treats

I love summer. I love the sunshine. I love the heat. I love going to the seashore and the smell of sea breezes. But one thing I really love is all the ice cream stands that open up Memorial Day!

I guess people don’t eat enough ice cream in the winter to support all the different ice cream locations as so many of them close once the kids go back to school and the snow begins to fly.

I also love success stories. Last summer there was a little ice cream shop in one of the strip malls along RT 44 in Taunton. I’d stopped in a couple of times but there was never any line out the door or crowd so I wasn’t sure how their business was doing and of course, I wasn’t going to ask. That would be rude!

Recently I was at that mall again and the store front was empty. I wondered about it  and felt sad that another small business had bitten the dust in these uncertain economic times. Then Saturday was the BIG VOTE in Taunton. The vote is a yes/no non-binding referendum for a Casino so as I was tooling down RT 44 to my polling place to cast my vote I spotted a new ice cream stand.

Was this the same business from the little mall? Was it possible that it hadn’t closed but instead had enough success to move to this location? Looks to me like a prime spot with lots of visibility. The location also has a parking lot so folks looking for a tasty frozen treat can pull right in!

I went back today for a small soft serve and asked if this was the same ice cream shop. It is! I am so happy for them. I am thrilled to hear of a success story instead of the sad story I first thought.

I picked up their menu…WOW 24 flavors of Soft Serve and yes they have vanilla 🙂

There are toppings and hard ice cream too. Don’t want a cone? Have a dish or a sundae and wash it all down with Del’s lemonade.

This is not a paid advertisement. I’m just excited for a local business. I didn’t even tell them I was going to write about them. But stop by Tom & Jimmy’s, 337 Winthrop St, Taunton and have a cone and if you think of it, tell them you heard about them at aroundustyroads! 🙂

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