Jumping for joy

I promised I’d keep everyone up to date on my job search.

I have great news! Today I received an offer of employment and I accepted. I won’t go into detail about the company because it’s my policy to keep things like that confidential so that I don’t run afoul of any company rules or restrictions. My former employer was quite strict about that and often monitored  blogs and Facebook. But I will say that the total package… benefits, vacation, salary comes close to matching or exceeding the perks I had at my previous employer.


That means I will be able to keep on exploring “dusty roads” around me. I can see another visit to Florida in my future. I was thinking about Crystal Springs but there are lots of other places too. Yellowstone and Yosemite, California, Oregon and Washington, those remaining “A” states to name just a few.


I really want to go to Costa Rico too and on a safari in South Africa so lots of places to go and things to see. Yay! And I’ll keep sharing those adventures along with the mundane day to day challenges with you, my friends and internet neighbors.

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