Lets Hear it for Seattle…one more time

It was the last day of “Boot Camp” (the company’s term for this week of training.) We covered things like benefits, expense accounts and had our pictures taken for the company web site. We also had our “Graduation Celebration”.

June Boot Camp Graduation

I carried my camera to work this time. I wanted one last chance to document this little corner of Seattle.


I wanted to see the “Great Wheel”, a gigantic Ferris wheel  on the Waterfront and visit the Public Market aka Pike Place Market known for it’s “flying fish” but didn’t get there.

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All this walking had brought on a good case of blisters again and it was a different pair of shoes this time. No idea why I am suddenly plagued with blisters. The best I could manage was a hobble to the drug store for first aid supplies. But the building that housed the drug store was eye catching with decorative trim around the top.

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If I’d had more time here’s some of the things I would have liked to do.

  • Great Wheel
  • Pike’s Place Market
  • Mt. Rainier Gondola
  • Boeing Tour
  • point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
  • Whale Watch
  • Seattle Aquarium
  • Woodland Park Zoo
  • Northwest Trek Wildlife Park

Maybe I need to add Seattle to my list of places to my vacation bucket list.

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A view of the Space Needle from under the mono rail track.

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Seattle from my hotel room window.

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And one final view of the Space Needle

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