Out with the Old

What changes do you plan to make in 2014?


I have to be careful when it comes to the “Out with the Old” adage as I could be included in the “Old” category and I have no intention of going out yet!

But I’ve been giving 2014 quite  a lot of thought. 2013 turned out to be a year of changes and in some ways I haven’t fully adapted to all of them so I think 2014 will be a year in which to get my routines established again. That would include everything from work to finances to personal challenges.


Have you noticed …I haven’t said the dreaded “R” word yet? That’s because it is my humble opinion that calling challenges set on New Years  “RESOLUTIONS” is asking for failure. A resolution is a pledge of sort..I resolve to do this and this. So what happens when you screw it up, like we all seem to do. Most of the time that’s it. Done! Made a resolution and broke it , end of story.

But what if I/we think of them as goals or challenges. A goal is something that you work toward until it’s achieved. You expect there might be a few set backs but that’s where the challenge comes in.


Sports examples come to mind. The New England Patriots start the season with the ultimate goal to win the Superbowl but each week the goal is to just win that game. Sometimes they fall short but the next week they are right out there again trying to “kick butt” for that Superbowl spot…one game at a time.

They didn’t “resolve” to win the Superbowl and then give up as soon as they lost a game. That’s why whatever I/we want to accomplish in 2014 should be a goal and a challenge not a resolution. And if I don’t meet that goal, well I’ll be a better person for trying.


An example….weight loss (ugh). Lets say I resolve to lose 50 lbs in 2014. The first time I “pig out” at the local Pizza Joint I’ll just give up. I blew it. Look at that, resolution broken. But if I say I have a goal to lose 50 lbs, that’s only 1 lb. per week. That’s like the 1 game a week for the Pats. Suddenly it’s not so overwhelming. And if I only lose 30 lbs? Well, I may not have hit the goal but I’m still 30 lbs thinner than when I started.

new years resolutions copia

So that’s my approach to resolutions. Goals and Challenges. Tomorrow I’ll share some specifics. Maybe we can encourage one another to meet the goals we set for a fresh new year.

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