Saved The Best

I saved the best for last. If I were on vacation in San Diego the first thing I would do is locate the Old Town Trolley. This is not an advertisement or a “plug”. This has been my experience in my travels. Almost every place I’ve been from Key West to Sedona has had a trolley company offering tours. Some are hop on – hop off and others are just tours but they always help me get oriented.

San Diego has a branch of the Old Town Trolley company that I’m familiar with from Boston.


Everyone told me about “Old Town”, it is the oldest settled area in San Diego and is the site of the first European settlement in present-day California. It contains Old Town San Diego Historic Park and  Presidio Park , both of which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Old Town Trolley has a tour there.


Ole Town Trolley also has the “Seal Tours” which are like Boston’s Duck Tours. You can make a real splash on these tours.


There’s tons of stuff to see a each stop. Too much for me to write here without having experienced it yet. Check out the link for all the details.

So what do you think? Should a return to San Diego be my 2014 vacation?

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