
Colorado is still in the lead. Idaho is on hold for an RV vacation and Indiana is “calling me” but I don’t think the time share is the way to go there either. So next up on the list is Kansas.

The 1 timeshare exchange in Kansas is in Kansas City and here I run into a dilemma. I have never had a bad experience at any time share exchange. To be in the exchange program resorts are inspected and have to meet pretty high standards. I have seen resorts get dropped if they aren’t up to par. So I was kind of surprised when IĀ  read the reviews of the resort in Kansas City.


The resort is Great Wolfe Lodge. It’s apparently a chain as googling Great Wolf Lodge brought up locations in the Pocono’s, Wisconsin and Washington. The big thing with the Great Wolf Lodge chain is that it’s an indoor water park as well as a resort/hotel. That means it will be very family orientated. That might not be the best choice for a single traveler but I could deal with it.


What I can’t deal with is bugs, specifically bed bugs. Trip advisor had quite a few comments about the cleanliness of the rooms and that there were bed bugs. The Lodge manager did reply saying issues like that are taken seriously and that they have exterminators come out and they take the rooms out of service until the are sure they have the infestation under control. But it made me nervous. Especially since there was more than one comment regarding the bed bug issue.


I think I will put Kansas City on the back burner for now. Maybe next year if they are still in the directory.

Have any of you stayed there? What was your experience like?

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  1. Now you’re in my neck of the woods. We have never stayed there, but many of our friends and their children visit there repeatedly. What I can share is that, other than Cabela’s sporting store, a NASCAR race track and an expensive high end mall nearby, you’re going to have to travel to see anything of interest. In KC proper, (about 30-45 min drive.) you’ll have many attractions, but they are all of a ‘city’ nature being museums and such, but enough to keep you busy. There is a zoo, but not noted for it’s exhibits and small in size, but passable. There are places you could travel to, Powell Gardens and conservatories to the south. Squaw Creek National Refuge to the north of you. Weston will be nearby, a small quaint town, with a state park for hiking. There are historical sites scattered throughout KC, but nothing all that spectacular. Depending on what time of year you come, there are other things to see. The American Royal (all things agriculture) is in the early fall. There is a large Renaissance Festival at the same time. St. Joe has the James Brothers museum and history, plus the Pony Express Riders museum. Oh, and there’s lots of riverboat gambling if you’re into that. Food, lots and lots of good eating places is what mostly makes up KC. I’d check out what attractions there are to see if there is enough to draw you here. And if you’d like any brochures or other info, I’d be glad to help if I can. Google Powell Gardens, I think you might enjoy that, and Squaw Creek is a wonderful day’s outing and very camera worthy. Both involve much nature, one is of a cultivated sort, and the other is of a wilderness sort.

    • The Gardens and Squaw Creek sound right up my alley. Apparently your friends have not had any problem with crawly critters? That makes me feel a little better. I would have discounted the original report if there had been just one but there were several and the writers were very adamant about the cleanliness or should I say lack of. I can tolerate a lot of rustic conditions but bugs and dirt aren’t acceptable. šŸ™‚ Maybe I’ll re-think it now that I’ve got a valid recommendation. As always, thank you! You have great insights.

      • I haven’t been there myself, and to me, cleanliness is a HUGE thing. If you’re feeling any red flags, don’t hesitate to wait a year or two, we’re not going anywhere. You won’t enjoy your stay if you’re feeling invisible creepy crawlies everywhere. I’d hate for you to rely on my word, and end up having a bad experience.

        • No problem with that. I’m wading through all the possibilities. When I finish I’ll know for sure were I want to go this year. But part of the process is sharing these posts. I learn so much from the comments. They will be a big help in the final decision. šŸ™‚

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