Friday the 13th, Full Moon or Poltergeists?

Yesterday was Friday the 13th and they say there was a full moon too. I couldn’t tell you because it was raining. I guess I better plan to live a while longer. The next time we have a full moon on a Friday the 13th it will be 2049. I’ll only be 98. I can live that long.


So full moons bring out the “crazies” and Friday the 13th is bad luck, right? Then today must have been a doozie!

I was working from home today. For once it was kind of quiet. I provide support to 3 real estate agents. One is a big producer. The 2nd one is new and is still very lightly loaded for work and one is just starting a new territory so not much going on there. My busy agent took the day off so I was using the quiet time to catch up on paperwork.

I was just updating the computer when I found myself in the dark (or maybe gloom). The lights went out but not all of them. The Cable box went dark but  the computer was still working, Rocky’s heat lamp was still on but the ceiling fan shut off??? I checked the circuit breakers. All fine. I flicked them off and back on just in case. Nothing. My neighbors were all fine. Then everything came back on except the desk lamp. That bulb was black but even a new bulb could not get the light back on. Another lamp bites the dust.


Back in business I became aware of a persistent squeaking noise. I thought it might be the ceiling fan so I shut it off. Still squeaking. I looked outside (my slider was open) but it wasn’t coming from outside. The weird part was that there was nothing where the sound was coming from.

I turned switches on and off and wandered from living room to bedroom to bathroom and back. I checked the refrigerator and the fan over the stove. The sound only got louder. It was starting to bother the cats now as well as me. They were pacing. What could it be?


Finally I started picking up cat toys in the area where the sound was the loudest and that’s when I found it. One of the battery operated cat toys would not shut off. I dug the sound box out of the mouse  and tried to smash it with a hammer. It just squeaked louder; now more like a squeal. I finally pried the battery compartment open but it still wouldn’t shut off. I eventually silenced it by cutting the wires to the battery. Now I know what Silence is Golden really means!

cat eyes

So was it Friday the 13th vibes, the full moon or did I have a poltergeist visit yesterday?



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