Got Kids?

Got Kids? I don’t but I “borrow” a couple every now and then when the urge to be maternal overtakes me. Well behaved kids are cute, even fun to be around. Sadly I see fewer and fewer well behaved kids when I’m out and about. Must be a sign of old age. I’m sure the same was said of my generations and we’re no worse than any other.

But I digress, I wanted to share a really cute idea. In fact I watched this amuse and entertain a bunch of kids for a whole afternoon.

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Next time your kids complain about not having anything to do don’t plunk them in front of the TV or the computer with a video game. No! Give them a potato.

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Give them some paint, pipe cleaners, paper  and plastic wheels.

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When I was a kid we cut a raw potato in half, then carved a design in the bottom. Once the carving was done we dipped the end in paint and stamped the paper. We made stars and lines and circles and all sorts of things. Tater Art!

tater stamp

Or maybe carving them like a pumpkin? But maybe you don’t want your kids to play with sharp objects. Ok then how about sticking some plastic wheels in your tater car?

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Paint it, decorate it and race it. Oh that kept the kiddie’s occupied for the whole afternoon.

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But you have to watch out for  Tater thieves. Yup! They will sneak up and make off with your precious raw material.

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Look out he’s got one! (Who said don’t play with your food?)


Posted in Food, humor, Pets and tagged , , , , .