Let The Tear Out Begin

Things really started happening fast. Friday the counter top people came in and made templates of the counters. Then Saturday I got a call from Home Depot that the materials had come in and they were ready to start. They wanted to start Monday!

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I had Sunday to take everything out of the cabinets! I am now living in boxes. That show about hoarders has nothing on me.

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I used the clean out as an opportunity to toss all the old  plastic containers that always seem to get saved and accumulated. Do I use them? Sometimes but much less since I’ve been working from home so bye bye. I’ll just start collecting again.

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2 guys from Home Depot arrived right on time at 9:30. It was a nasty rainy day out so they didn’t want to set up all their equipment in the rain so all they did was the tear out. Good bye yellow tiles! They were done by noon.

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The cats had a lot of exploring to do.

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The guys left the fridge pulled out for me so I could vacuum the coils and mop the floor behind it. They found a treasure trove of cat toys. Both of the installers told me they had cats a of their own at home so they found Buddy’s antics funny and they saved all of the toys from behind the fridge!

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They found a leak under the sink but since a plumber will be coming out anyway we just stuck a bucket under it for now.

While they were tearing everything out I got a call from the counter people. They will come out between 8-9 on Friday to install the counters.  Everything should be done by Friday!

The plumber might have to come out on Saturday but we are hoping not. I have to buy the over the oven microwave and arrange for my electrician to come out and we will be done!





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  1. Better you than me. I remember when we had our kitchen done, but we didn’t stop there. Nope had to gut the bathroom as well. It is going to look very nice when it is done. Keep me posted I have to see the finish product.

    • I have a feeling that once the kitchen is done I’ll be itching to move onto the next project too. I’ll want to bring the rest of the unit up to the standard set by the kitchen 🙂

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