RIP Spock

I am a Trekkie. I admit it. I loved Star Trek the original series and Leonard Nimoy’s Spock was my favorite character. But while all the science fiction aficionados are morning Spock, we need to bid adieu to the man behind the Vulcan.


Leonard Nimoy was born and raised in Boston. Unlike many actors today I can never recall him being involved in scandals or unsavory publicity. The worse things I ever heard about was his dispute with William Shatner who played Captain Kirk. Shatner says the alleged feud is long over and that he an Nimoy were friends to the end.


Nimoy was 83 and suffered from COPD, a serious lung condition.


I think it is safe to say that he did live long and prospered. RIP Leonard/Spock. I for one will miss you.

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