Work From Home

Hi everyone

I had some disturbing news on the work front and although I am not at liberty to share any details I will say that my days of working from home seem to be numbered. Working from home is the #1 perk of my job and its why I am willing to put in such long hours during our busy season. I am crushed to learn that management, in their wisdom,  feels that “we” can be more productive working 9-6 in an office.


I suppose I should be thankful I have a job these days and one that pays enough so that I can enjoy life a little but I’m at the point in my life that I no longer want the stress of a morning or afternoon commute. It feels like wasted time to sit in traffic and traffic there will be since we’ll be working prime hours.


If you search “work from home” jobs you find a long list of cottage industries and self employment “opportunities”. They may work for some but I’ve tried a lot of those with varying degrees of success. At this point I don’t want to be self employed or an entrepreneur. I just want to do a job , from home, and be left alone, not involved in office politics and get my paycheck. The only stress I want is from whatever the job entails, not the  commute, not from who is stabbing who in the back. I prefer not to know.

I’m always one of the top producers so there’s never been a performance issue.

Anyone out there work from home? Any suggestions for someone almost 65 who is not ready to retire yet?

I really don’t want to leave my job. It’s been a good run and I like it a lot but my stomach just goes into knots when I think of commuting every day again.

Any ideas?

Posted in commentary, news.