Election 2016

I think we all know there’s a big election coming up. Trump v Hillary; boys locker room v email scandal.; hyper bully V “old Lady” and on and on. This year is really a choice of  who you like the least. The choices are scary no matter what. I may just flip a coin. (sorry strong supporters of either candidate. It’s my blog and its how I feel.)


But I didn’t start this post to discuss who I think should win this travesty of an election. (Remember , it’s rigged)  No I just realized that I’ll be away on election day so I have to see if I can either vote early or by absentee ballot.


Have any of you been traveling when an election rolled around? How did you handle it?

I think I’ll start by calling my local registration office at city hall. I’ll let you know how it works out.

So light up that joint ( You can make the hard choice and be really mellow about it)img-2883717-1-marijuana


Remember…Vote Early, Vote Often!


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