Hawaiian Sunset

What better way to spend an evening that sailing along the coast of Maui on a sunset dinner cruise.


That’s how we found ourselves boarding a lovely yacht for dinner, drinks and a leisurely cruise.



Seats were assigned and chairs and tables bolted to the floor so they wouldn’t slide if the seas got rough. Our table was on the open top deck and the evening couldn’t have been more beautiful.


Upon being seated our waiter brought the complimentary Mai Tai’s. Pretty soon we cast off and were underway. The sea was calm so there was almost no swell.


Off to our starboard we passed a navy ship, The John Paul Jones. We aren’t sure what they were there for. If it was shore leave or R&R we didn’t see too many sailors in Lahaina.


Of course that triggered a discussion of the type of ship. I felt it was too small for a battleship and finally decided to settle the discussion by asking Google. According to my google search the John Paul Jones is a guided missile destroyer. It was built in Bath, Maine.  It’s the first ship of its class to be homeported on the west coast.

As the sun set, it was beautiful to watch the light playing on the west mountains of Maui.


Dinner was served and more Mai Tai’s. An entertainer strummed away on his guitar in the bow of the ship. To add to the ambiance it was the night of the “Super  moon”.


All in all a very relaxing way to spend an evening.

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