Across the Gorge

As you have probably figured out from my recent posts, things are a bit slow around here. I think even the new stations are having a tough time. Today the lead story was a fire in Seattle, 3000 miles away!

Around here the weather is unseasonably warm and any precipitation has been rain. In fact our f00t & 1/2 snow storm has all melted away. The landscape now is brown and drab. Not very inspiring for photos.

With no new photos to edit I took the time to start working through more of the pictures from Hawaii. Although I took a lot (according to the picture count on the camera over 600), not all are anything I want to share. When we took the trip on the Road to Hana many of the pictures had to be taken while our tour bus was moving and often someone from the other side of the bus would pop up and get in the frame so they could get a picture with their cell phones. There wasn’t much consideration.


Sometimes the only shots were directly into the sun so exposure was a problem, not to mention that they were taken through the bus windows. I know it sounds like excuses and I still value those shots for the memories but they are not what I would share if I want to “Show off”.

But I did run across one that I really like even if it has some issues. So here it is.


I like this one because you can see a tour bus pulled over near the bridge. That’s a one lane bridge. We had just crossed the bridge and the road made a hairpin turn setting us up to be able to look back at where we had just come from. Without that bus to give a sense of  scale, this would just be another roadside waterfall.

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