American Airlines’ Baggage Police

Whatever Happened to Common Sense?

By the time they began boarding zone 4 American Gate attendants were calling for people to check their carry-ons, especially roller bags. Of course you were to remove all electrical equipment, camera, fragile items, medications, and laptops before checking your bag which could be claimed at the baggage carousel of your destination.

In my carry-on I had 1 laptop, in the front sleeve, my medications, my camera and in the remaining space, the camera strap, computer mouse and electrical cord and a book. Since it wasn’t chock full I had stuffed my winter jacket in too so I didn’t have to carry it. I did not have to expand the bag to make it fit.

I was in Zone 6. As I watched the baggage mafia began going through all the bags they felt did not or would not fit into their little display. Sort of a reverse if it fits it ships. In this case if it didn’t drop in cleanly it went into the belly of the beast. No if, ands or buts.

The Baggage Mafia

It was now my turn. Right away the attendant said “Tag It” and just as quick I said OH NO! I have a camera, medications and a laptop in that bag. They are not going into baggage. They told me to take them out but pointed out that I would now exceed my 2 item limit. I pointed out they would be checking an empty bag. Things were starting to heat up now.

As the baggage police began pulling things out of my carry- on I continued to argue.  I was holding up the line and they could see I was using a cane but it made no difference ! I finally turned to the woman pawing through my suitcase and ordered her to put it all back. She stood there looking from me to the gate attendant and back…stalemate.

I took a deep breath trying to be reasonable. I pointed out that there was a puffy coat in the bag . They could just push it down and the bag would fit. But oh no, you can’t push it down. You can’t “force it”. I tried again. If you take the coat out the bag will fit and you can leave my camera, meds and laptop alone.

Nope, They didn’t believe me.

I turned around, grabbed the jacket out of the bag, zipped it back up and dropped it into their little measuring thing.

Perfect! The gate attendant just told me to take it. So now I have my carry-on, my purse, my cane and my jacket to hang onto as I headed down the jet way.

I got madder and madder with each step.

I’m sure my face was red by the time I reached the plane. There it was an entirely different experience.

I’ll sum it up tomorrow but for now here’s another horror story from a different airline.


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