The Elk Herd Has Arrived

The Elk are moving!

The elk are starting to migrate to the sanctuary. This was one of the things I was hoping to see. Timing is everything. Too early in the fall and they won’t have formed a herd too late and the antlers will be dropping and they will already be in the sanctuary. So far I haven’t seen too many elk and  no large herd. The sanctuary has been empty.

Elk Bucks

Teton Village

After the bear encounter I headed back to the resort at Teton Village. As I approached one of the ranches on my right I caught a glimpse of something moving in the field. As soon as I had the chance I turned around. No one else had noticed anything. There were no cars pulled over. I thought I must be imagining things but there they were. The biggest herd of Elk I’d seen so far. The males were sporting beautiful antlers. The main herd was both females and younger elk. Maybe  survivors from this spring? Needless to say I was mesmerized. These are majestic animals and they are right near my resort!

The Bull and his harem

An Elk Photo Op

A pair of Bull elk

I pulled to the side of the road. My camera was already on the seat with my long lens attached. I could use the car as support for the heavy lens. I settled in to watch the scene unfold before me. It was quiet. The bulls milled around the females but there was no bugling. I’ve since been told that they only bugle before the herds form. Once the males have their harems they get quiet again. Only one other car pulled over as I watched. I had the herd to myself.

Time to move on

Elk Migration

The herd put on a good show before finally moving off. A female leading the way and the bulls pushing from behind. 40-50 animals all moving together. They started at a walk, moved up to a trot but never hit a full out run. Breathtaking! I’m told that the herd can number in the hundreds and by the time the sanctuary is full in the winter there are thousands but this was enough for today.


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