Back to Real World Weight Struggles

Back to Real World Weight Struggles

Vacation is over so it’s back to the real world. For me that’s not just work and daily routine That’s the real struggle with weight. As the saying goes in for a penny in for a pound so I’m going to continue to bring you along with me for now. I hadn’t been near a scale all vacation and I didn’t check when I got home on Monday night. I need all the help I can get so I always weigh in first thing in the morning.


Real World Weight struggles - lunchTruth or Consequences

Tuesday morning I took a deep breath and stepped on my frenemy, the scale. Wonder of wonders it was only up .5 lbs! That’s amazing and I’ll take it. Like most people on vacation I didn’t exactly restrain myself. I had Florida Lobster 4 times, yes 4 Times! I just couldn’t get enough. Don’t forget the famous “Pink Shrimp”.  Fried , cooked and chilled, and in seafood scampi, I ate them any way I could get them. If I had been in heaven I’d have been thrown out for seafood gluttony. Yet the scale was only up 1/2 lb! I was so happy! I didn’t share the news because it wasn’t a Saturday, my “real” weigh in day. It was just a check in .


Real World Weight Struggles

8 Hours of Shut Eye?Back to Real World Weight Struggles

So I’m back to my regular routine and the real world weight struggles. I’m logging my steps and watching what I eat but I am not getting a lot of sleep. A good part of that is because I have an hour plus commute every morning and afternoon.  I’m up at 5:30 am to go to work and get home between 6:30 -7 pm.  If I went to bed in time to get 8 hours I’d be going to bed at 8 pm. Usually I’m just finishing up the dinner dishes at that point so I don’t see 8 hours in my near future.

Why am I talking about sleep? Since I’ve been back my weight has been creeping up and I couldn’t figure out why. Were all the calories from vacation just catching up now? Apparently it’s more to do with sleep deprivation. I just found out that if you get less than 7 – 8 hours sleep your metabolism slows, you burn less calories and your cravings for sweet, dense foods increase. Weight goes up! I’m doomed!

This time it’s for real

According to my Fitbit I’m averaging only 5 hours and 15 minutes a night since I returned from vacation. My step count has gone up but not enough to offset the lack of shut eye. The scale has crept up 1.8 lbs since my last Saturday  weigh in before vacation.  I’m going to try to get some more sleep this week and see if I can reverse that trend. I’ve got my meals pretty trimmed down, 1 egg for breakfast, salad with cold cuts for lunch and dinner can vary from chicken broth  to fish to a mini hamburger (no roll). I hit my calorie budget consistently. The wild card is the sleep. 

Back to Real World Weight Struggles

Deb 10/25/ 2019

My co workers think I’m getting thinner and I started wearing jeans a size smaller but the scale isn’t reflecting these changes. Guess I’ll just have to say I lost that battle but its only the beginning of the war. 

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