Meet Merle The Alaska Moose

Merle the Alaska Moose

Merle the Alaska Moose

Merle The Alaska Moose

I’d like you to meet Merle the Alaska Moose.  Merle moved with me to the lower 48 from Alaska back in 2013 when our paths crossed at a remote souvenir stand. Merle isn’t much for travel and adventure. He’s more of a homebody. I’m not sure he has fully recovered from his  move south from Alaska. From Wilderness to Suburbia-talk about a culture shock! That was Merle’s great adventure and he’s happy with that. Merle now spends his days with a menagerie of friends from other trips.

Merle and Friends

Merle and Friends


Merle’s Cousin from the North

Marvelous Marvin

Marvelous Marvin

Thanks to Merle I’m expecting a travel companion to join me on future trips starting in February (maybe sooner). As much as a homebody as Merle is, his cousin, The Marvelous Marvin, sufferers from a bad case of Wanderlust. Merle let me know yesterday that his cousin is looking for someone to travel with on his adventures. Since my sister doesn’t travel as often now I jumped at the chance to connect with Marvin.

I’m pretty good at solo travel but having a friend along is nice too. It was late last night (those pesky time zones you know) when we finally managed to connect. Marvin didn’t need much persuasion and promised to be on his way real soon thanks to the miracle of USPS and FedEx. His ETA isn’t until the end of next week so he’ll miss the Atlanta trip but will be here in plenty of time for Maui.

Marvelous Marvin the Alaska Moose

I’m very excited about this development and can’t wait to meet The Marvelous  Marvin in person. From the picture he shared with me he looks a lot like Merle. Marvin thought having his own Adventure Blog called Wanderlust might be a good thing but I told him I thought Wanderlust was already taken. And besides, who knows if his adventures will be interesting enough to fill a blog post. We all know how spotty posts for aroundustyroads have been the last couple of years.





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