How Y’all Doing?

How are  Y’all

I know Its been awhile. This Covid thing is taking its toll. How are all my Dusty Roads Friends? I hope everyone is staying well and safe. 

What Have you Been Doing?

I guess the next question is What Have Y’all been doing cooped up inside, sheltering in place? I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing …working and dreaming about the time I’ll be able to travel again.

How Y'all Doing?Work

As most of you know I don’t post much about work. It’s not PC and can easily come back to bite you but I will share that early on in the pandemic my company laid off or furloughed a ton of people. I don’t know how they missed me but I was one of the ones they kept. They expected business to take a steep drop and had to worry about paying a large staff with nothing to do. That was short lived. After a brief dip business came back strong but those of us that were still on board were overwhelmed. On my team they did some scrambling and almost everyone is back on board now. At least we still get to work from home and we’re still busy but its more manageable for now. Needless to say I didn’t have much time for my beloved Aroundustyroads.  

Being CreativeHow Y'all Doing?

When I had downtime I was doing a lot of reading but it was getting hard to find books by my favorite authors that I hadn’t read. I even made a list of upcoming new releases. I was getting desperate. There is nothing on TV these days. My one favorite show is all re-runs because they can’t go out and how many different ghost stories can a person watch? Tired from work my brain needed to just let go, not try to think up things to write about so I as I stretched out in my recliner I let my mind wander and I remembered that I used to love to put together Jigsaw puzzles. I wondered if they even existed any more.

Jigsaw Puzzles

I gave up these table top puzzles when I got cats. They love to bat away the pieces, chew on them and I even had one cat that would take a run and a flying leap. He’d slide across the table pushing all the pieces ahead of him to the floor. Not Funny Rocky! But now I’m  catless although it probably won’t be forever. I figured I’d try the jigsaw puzzle thing again but here’s the twist. I found a web site that would make puzzles from your own photos. I’m always looking for ways to use my pictures besides hanging them on the wall so I gave it a shot. I ordered 4 (they were on sale) and they just got here. I haven’t opened the boxes yet but the outside looks really good, even professional! I’ll let you know how the assembly stage goes. 

How Y'all Doing?

Posted in Connecticut, Pets, Photography and tagged , , .


  1. I like the mountain and lake. Looks challenging. looks like a bit of fun to ease the stress of life now.

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