Whitewater Falls

Whitewater Falls

Next on my water fall list was Whitewater Falls. So once I’d managed to make my way up the hill from Silver Run Falls I collapsed in my car to catch my breath and review the directions. Even though my knees were hurting I really wanted to double up. I hate wasting precious time. I drove back and forth in the area the falls were supposed to be without success until I tried a large park turn off. It didn’t have any sign for the falls on the road which is why I kept missing it. I finally tried the turn off just to see where it would take me. I expected a camp ground or something like that. Instead it was the parking area for the falls. 

Whitewater Falls

There was nothing “wild” about the parking area. It was a large manicured area with paved parking and paved paths. They even have restrooms and picnic tables. There were dispensers for parking passes. Fees are reasonable, $3 for vehicles with seven passengers or less; $1 per person for more than seven people traveling together in a vehicle.

I started across the large lawn but every step was like a knife up my leg. This was not going to work. 


As I realized that my old body was letting me down once again I felt the disappointment and frustration wash over me. I promised myself that I would come back again and make this my 1st stop of the day next time. I really wanted to see this falls. This falls was  just featured in an episode of Expedition X where Phil Torres ( A Main Character) climbed the falls. They talked about the stairs to the bottom of the falls where his co star waited and watched. The falls were beautiful in that program.

Whitewater Falls is the highest waterfall east of the Rockies. The falls plunge an amazing 411 feet.  For an excellent view of Whitewater Falls, follow the paved walkway to the upper overlook. The walkway begins at the end of the parking lot and is accessible to wheelchairs. Unfortunately I didn’t have a wheelchair, just my gimpy knees.  A lower overlook is located at the bottom of 154 wooden steps

Whitewater Falls




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