A Warm Welcome to 2023
Happy 2023. How many of you stayed up to Welcome in the New Year? Watch that shiny ball drop in Times Square? According to my Fitbit I made it to 10:30 pm before I fell asleep in my recliner. No ball drop for me.
Looks like my resolutions are a bit of a struggle in 2023. Normally I would promise to be more consistent with my blog posts but I am struggling to think of interesting topics when I am not sure how much or even if I’ll be traveling this year. No Hawaii in February this year.
I was watching Nat Geo and a show came on with pictures of a mountain range. I said to the cats, look it’s the Grand Tetons right before the moderator said we’re in the Grand Tetons outside of Jackson Hole. Later they showed a geyser and I identified it as Old Faithful. I was right! Same with the elk horn arches in Jackson Hole.

Old Faithful 2017 – Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Elk Antler Arches Jackson Hole 2017 – Photo Credit Deb Neumann
I hope I am not going to become an arm chair traveler. There is too much to see and experience!
Of course I always say I’ll lose weight. That’s a standard resolution but usually that means that I’ll add 10 lbs by year end.
Financial Goals
I can say I don’t want to get a real job but I need to have something to do to supplement my retirement fund if I’m going to take even short trips. But I don’t want to have to punch a time clock any more. I’m enjoying that part of being out of work. A few hours on the computer would be a comfortable work schedule. My cats might even leave me alone that long. I wonder if anyone would pay me to travel?
I got my year end E-Trade Statement. Very scary. While at Redfin I took advantage of their profit sharing employee stock plan. At it’s height of almost $100 a share I was well on my way to a secure retirement. Today my stock sits at $4.00 a share. I own 468 shares. You can do the math. Its not worth much right now. Maybe in another 2 years it will rebound. Fingers crossed. My 401K wasn’t much better but I had to close that out when they laid me off. So we won’t even think about that.
Lets get Going 2023
So 2023 is going to be interesting to say the least. I have no real direction yet. I’m hoping for clarity as the year gets going. How about everyone else? Are you as confused as I am?
We share many of your concerns. We have watched Dale’s retirement dwindle down to scary levels. We are praying for a rebound in the next 5 years since that is when we have planned for him to retire. We are still planning trips while we are in Germany as it will probably be our last chance to travel over here. We are praying that once back in the States we will still be able to travel. We have picked several places to visit by reading your blogs. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us.
Happy New Year Gretchen. I’d still travel if I was working. I didn’t just get laid off, my job was dissolved so I don’t even have the option of returning if the economy swings back. I’m going to keep tying to figure out a way to finish my 50 states. Maybe shorter trips? Enjoy your time in Germany and Europe. I’ve never been an international traveler but I’m told it’s beautiful there