Natural Wonders of the USA
So sorry I missed a couple of posts this week. We’ll get back on track with more Natural Wonders from the list today. Wednesday was my birthday. How old am I? Never ask a lady her age! Then the last docs for my taxes came in so I spent the rest of the time getting everything together for my tax guy. He’ll have fun this year…there was a severance payout, unemployment, and a cash out of my 401K all because of the layoff. He’ll earn his fee this year.
But lets get back to the fun things. We are winding down on the Natural Wonders of the USA. In my last post we reached #41 that was South Carolina and Congaree National Park. 9 more to go to make our 50 Wonders. So what’s next?
#42 Minnesota – Big Bog State Recreation Area
That sounds real inviting. What do you want to do for vacation? Lets go visit a big swamp but not the Everglades. Lets go north to the Big Bog! Big Bog has only been a designated area since 2002 so it’s kind of young. The area is comprised of wetlands with jackpine forests, nearby lakes and of course a big bog. The bog is about 500 square miles. There are approximately 300 species of birds, white-tailed deer, black bears, gray wolves and other animals. They don’t mention mosquitos but saying bog brings stinging insects to mind. Big Bog State Recreation Area has been called Minnesota’s last true wilderness.

Photo Credit- Internet
#43 Colorado – Rocky Mountains
Oh my, The Rocky Mountains – Colorado. Been there. I stayed in the heart of the mountains in Breckenridge but I never got into the National Park. Admission to the park is by reservation and has to be booked in advance online. I tried everyday to get a reservation and was never able to get one. I asked locals about it and they said the reservation system never worked right. It was very disappointing. But this is what I know about the Rocky Mountains. John Denver sang wonderful songs about them. They take your breath away- literally- Beware of altitude sickness! The are beautiful and majestic. The Rocky Mountains are the biggest mountain range in the western United States. They stretch approximately 3,000 miles from northern part of British Columbia, all the way to New Mexico.

Colorado 2022 – Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Rocky Mountains 2022- Photo Credit Deb Neumann
#44 – Wisconsin – Cave of the Mounds
I’ve been to Wisconsin but I was there for my brother’s retirement from the Navy. The ceremony was in Kenosha. It was a quick trip and I don’t remember much about the state. I definitely didn’t see the Cave of the Mounds. How many cave systems have we seen so far under Natural Wonders? What’s one more? This looks really pretty. This limestone cave is believed to have started forming around 488 million years ago when the earth was covered in shallow seas

Photo credit- Peter Gorman/Flickr
Well folks, that’s it for this post. Only 6 more states to check out. Back soon!