Banner’s Big Adventure

Banner’s Big Adventure

Everyone has Big Adventures. Remember Pee Wee Herman’s Big Adventure? And there’s Thomas the Tank Engine. There’s a whole series of books about those adventures.  We mustn’t forget Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure . So why shouldn’t Banner have an adventure too?

Escape Artist

Everyone knows Banner is the World’s Greatest Escape Artist. Houdini had nothing on him. If the door is opened even a crack he’s out! Through your legs, through the door, Tail in the air he heads for Freedom.  Then he makes friends with anyone standing in the hall. All my neighbors know him. He even met Bella, one of the neighborhood dogs. A big dog.  That cured his escapes for about a month. 

Locked Outside

Anyway back to this BIG ADVENTURE. 

I was working. I have a part time job  as a Door Dasher. I try to put in a couple of hours every weekday. I save weekends for when the week has been slow and I need to make a little more. If I’ve met my self imposed quota for the week I get the weekend off. Anyway, I was “Dashing” and not at home when my longtime housekeeper came to save me from being overwhelmed by cat hair. Mainly Banner’s. With this over the top heat he’s been shedding like crazy even though I brush him everyday. She’s been helping me out for 4 years since I freely admit I’m not the best housekeeper in the world. 

So she was in my apartment on her own. She’s heard me say every time she comes by “Don’t let the Cat out.” ” Watch out for Banner He likes to escape.” But clearly she never “heard” me. Somehow She let Banner out. Not sure if he got out when she came in or when she left. All I know is that when I got home Balboa was there but no Banner.  I’d just finished searching the apartment when I heard a faint MEOW.

Welcome Back, Banner

I stood very still and listened. The meows were coming from the front door. So I opened it and there the little miscreate was. As soon as the door opened he shot inside. I don’t know where he was hiding because he wasn’t  in the hall when I came home. My upstairs neighbor was just coming in the outside door and said he was wondering if that was my cat.  I’ll have to ask him if he let Banner in from the great outdoors or if Banner was just in the hall when he came in. In any case I hope Banner has learned his lesson, at least for the next month or two.  

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  1. LOL You never know, he just might stay home for a few days then decide that it was fun and wants to do it again. You should sit Banner down and have a chat with him. A nice quiet chat he might just tell you everything. Good luck.

  2. Banner is the quiet kitty. He won’t tell me a thing. If it was Balboa he wouldn’t shut up about it. LOL You cannot imagine how I felt when I didn’t find him anywhere. Its not like my apartment is that big. I’m telling you my heart about stopped. Balboa, on the other hand, just sat there very smug and never made a sound. LOL Since my hair’s already gray there’s no harm done.

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