It was a Cold but Sunny Day

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Last Sunday was cold! Good thing it was sunny because if it had rained it probably would have turned to snow. It was windy too but that didn’t slow down Dawn and Alex, my guests with their mother at my company’s annual Customer Appreciation Event.

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This year it was at Belkin Outlook Farm in Natick. The farm has apple picking, a play area with little animals and a train to get you around the property.

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Each attendee got to pick a pumpkin and there were loads of pumpkins!  The grape arbors are gorgeous even if they were past grape peak.

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The company served a barbecue lunch with ribs, hot dogs and hamburgers. Well maybe we should call them cold dogs because in spite of the chefs best efforts the food chilled as soon as it came off the grill.

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I don’t know if it was special because of the event or if they always feature an animal ride but this time they had a camel ride. Dawn was in line for that in a flash but Alex preferred the warmer inside of the Lego building.

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It was cold enough that the battery for the camera died way too soon. The spare was in the car because I didn’t take the cold into consideration.

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OOPS! But the photos I got seemed to catch the atmosphere and the fun.

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Everybody Loves a Parade

Finally leaving the midway and rides behind we found another building we hadn’t explored.

They had a mechanical cow where you could try your hand at milking her. A stage was set up with a garden revue, animatrons that sang songs and popped up and down. Very cute.

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This was also where a chick hatchery was set up. The display held a large number of eggs which were on the verge of hatching. You could see tiny cracks form and eventually out popped a baby chick! This would have held our attention for hours if the parade hadn’t stated. Having missed out on the circus I was determined to see the parade.

The theme was Carnival like the parades in New Orleans with floats and beads.

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There were marching bands.

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And float

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after float

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after float.

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But the participant that made it all worth it for me were the Clydesdales!

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There they were in all their splendor . Manes and tails braided, feathered feet prancing high. It took my breath away! They even had their dalmatian dog with them.

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They are truly magnificent animals. The crowd’s reaction proves that they have super star status. Probably because of all the wonderful commercials Budweiser has used these animals to star in.

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Yes, seeing them up close like this made the whole trip worth it for me.

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The kids liked the beads 🙂


An Agricultural Fair

The Big E has it all. The midway and rides; corn dogs, funnel cakes and The Big E cream puff. They had a huge sculpture made of butter. The Mallory building held the animals, llamas, sheep, pigs…

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The building wasn’t air conditioned but there were plenty fans in evidence keeping the animals cool.

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Sheep shearing was going on most of the day so the ewes looked pretty cool with their new “do’s”. Yup a penful of “naked” sheep.

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Nancy and the kids had a chance to get acquainted with one of the llamas. We spent a good amount of time here as both children are animal lovers.

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It was time to head back to the circus tent. This time we spotted the Budweiser exhibit but chose to skip it so we wouldn’t be late.  Turns out we could have stopped. The 4 pm show was already full. There was one more show at 7 pm but we didn’t plan to be there that late so no circus this year. 🙁

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Time for the mid-way. That was the really expensive stop. Those little dart games and ring toss I remembered from my childhood weren’t $.50 anymore, more like $2.00 – $5.00! The kids were pretty good at the games but it’s hard to pull them away.

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Tickets for the rides were $1.75 each and most rides took 3-5 tickets. Those were much more expensive than I remember too.

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But the kids were having fun and I chalked it up to making memories.

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80 degrees in September

WOW! Blue sky and hot weather. Seems like a summer’s day not late September. Near Southeastern MA where I live the leaves made a sudden color change this week.

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We are starting to see some reds and oranges sprinkled in among the greens and browns. But out near the western part of MA it’s still very green.

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I know this because last week I drove the Mass Pike (RT 90) from New York to Worcester as I came back from the Adirondack Balloon Festival. Now, on the spur of the moment, I’m driving the same route again on my way to the BIG E, also known as The Eastern States Exposition. It is the largest agricultural event on the eastern seaboard and the sixth largest fair in the nation and I’ve never been.

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To encourage me with this adventure I’ve picked up Nancy and her 2 children , Alex and Dawn. After all what’s a fair if you don’t have kids to enjoy it. It’s been years since I’ve been to any fair but I know there are lots of animals at this one, 4 H exhibits and the signature dessert, The Big E Cream Puff.

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It’s about a 2 hour drive and we made one stop along the way for a bathroom break and leg stretch. The kids used to fall asleep on long rides but as they have gotten older they are more alert. They entertained themselves in the back seat with electronic toys and minimal sibling fighting.

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We made it to the fair right about noon. We thought we had plenty of time to make the 1 pm circus in the big top. So we took our time heading in that direction. In fact, as soon as we entered the gates there was an elephant ride. Dare-devil Dawn had to try that right away.

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A camel stood in the background and ponies carried smaller children. On the other side of the elephant was a petting zoo. So much to do and we just got here!

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Acne…just Acne!

Just got back from the “Cat Hospital” where the Vet examined a very squirmy Rocky.

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I noticed this morning that the swelling seemed to have subsided overnight and clearly  it wasn’t as tender as he let me pet him with no “melps” or aversion. Still I felt as a senior cat that it was worth following up on.

Rocky has lost a little weight ( We can only hope that Buddy is losing too.  ) but no temp. Rocky also let the vet look into his mouth and under his tongue and all was good there. Under his chin, nestled in his chin hair, was a pimple.

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Maybe it was an ingrown hair or maybe he scratched himself or got a bug bite, but that little pimple looked like it could have been the problem. It still looked red and sore.

She also pointed out a ring of black heads along his lower jaw line. Diagnosis: Kitty Acne! Treatment: warm compress, Strident Wipes, and an OTC antibacterial cream interspersed with lots of petting. I am also going to toss out the plastic water dishes and switch them to ceramic. I did that with the food bowls years ago when I had Little Joe because he was prone to kitty acne too.

So I guess cats and humans have something in common. Adult onset acne!

So glad that’s all it is.